Saturday, July 26, 2008 Y 9:59 PM

It's time for some updates. Been long gone and really tired. This temp job is no fun at all. I wanna go back to school. Please.

Oh ya..i graduated. And i'm now temping at a call centre for Standard Chartered. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the moolah. I hope i can get them on time to buy tix for Singfest. I pray hard that i'll get to go. I mean all the acts that i like are performing on the same day. That has got to be a big sign right? Like billboard sign. Anyway thank god the job is for two months. I salute the people who have been working there for years. I cracked within two weeks.

I was looking at some old pictures. And i kinda miss the people in those pics.

and the babysitters too... i know i just met them like last week but it's not everyday anymore.
geez..emo ke ape..

and yah...fizah, ayu and ct too. dian is awol apparently. i love the fact that we've known each other for 10 years and even though we don't see each other much we try our best to keep in touch. graduation was like the event of the year for my family. They were more excited than i was and mum was so hyped up she organized a get together at my sis's place for a photoshoot. (which will be updated once i get hold of them)