Friday, August 7, 2009 Y 7:41 AM

Merah Putih. Yeah my favourite colors this year.

National Day celebration was so fun today. Watching the kids playing their sports games warms my heart. Cute and innocent. I like them better that way.

It's gonna be a long weekend but i don't think i will go anywhere. I'm just so exhausted. With the haze surrounding the atmosphere, people are getting more sick.... It's times like these that i wish i have superpowers to move things with just clicking my fingers or twitching my nose.

Joke of the year: Some old geezer tried to hit on me. Darn it. This is the second time. Shit.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Y 5:10 AM

Everyone in the house is getting sick.
Everyone is feeling the pain of leaving this house.

It's amazing how much treasure you can unearth after all the packing. There's like love letters, baby photos, embarrassing photos, ancient pieces of papers and tons of dust....

Someone promised to be my domestic helper. Where are you?

I need to snip snip my hair...i probably will keep it short for quite some time.

Oh and a kid dropped a water bottle on my foot. I think i burst a blood vessel.